Kenwood kMix Creaming Beater (AX500) Review

Kenwood kMix Creaming Beater

I’ve owned my Kenwood kMix stand mixer for almost three and half years and I absolutely love it. The kMix standing mixer is a dream to use in the kitchen and I wouldn’t be without it now. I recently read in a magazine about the Kenwood creaming beater and how it would reduce the frustrating need of scraping round the mixing bowl. Thank goodness for silicone spatulas!

After finding an online supplier I ordered the AX500 creaming beater which fits the kMix, although do be careful not to accidentally buy the attachment for the Kenwood Chef instead. Online retailers are selling the AX500 from £19.99 upwards plus postage, so it’s worth shopping around.

Kenwood kMix Creaming Beater

I had high hopes for this new attachment as up until now the I’ve only used the K beater for making cakes, cookies and buttercream. I’m honestly really impressed with the AX500 creaming beater. It has a rubber wiper that skims the inside edge of the bowl ensuring the mixture is well mixed and does most definitely stop the need for scrapping round the bowl. I found that there was only a tiny amount of flour attached to the rubber wiper after my cake batter had been beaten. So that was a huge improvement.

I believe new kMix stand mixers now come with the creaming beater but if like me you have an older model and don’t have one, it is definitely worth the investment.

Until next time.


Disclosure: This review has been written because I wanted to share my experience, I bought the AX500 myself. This review has been carried out independently of Kenwood. All opinions are honest and my own.

5 thoughts on “Kenwood kMix Creaming Beater (AX500) Review

  1. EmmaMT from says:

    Oooooh I wonder if they make one for the Kitchenaid? I didn’t know such a think existed! Have you made buttercream with it yet? I bet it’s brilliant for that! x

    P.s. I just forwarded this post on to the PR for Kenwood who I’ve been chatting with for work recently. I think it will make her day!

    • Julie McPherson says:

      Thank you Emma, I do hope Kenwood like my review. I’ve not made buttercream yet, that’s something to try soon.

      I’ve heard Kenwood have launched a folding beater for the kMix, so I’d be interested to see how that works.

      Hope you track down a creaming beater for your KitchenAid.


  2. Le Coin de Mel says:

    I would love a stand mixer! My ultimate one would be a KitchenAid, but I dorm have the space, really. Yours looks great and I like the fact you don’t need to scrape the sides. X

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